Published On: February 27, 2013

The Moose Riders, Page 92

Here it is–the end of Chapter 3. This marks the halfway point of the 6 chapter story I outlined in late 2009 based on a drawing I made in…2008? Maybe? Took me awhile to get this far due entirely to my own procrastination. Feels good to have shaken that off. Since I got back on the ball last January, I’ve managed to finish off 65 pages–67 if you count covers. That’s more than twice as many pages as I drew during the 1st two years of the Moose Riders. I still have a very small audience made mostly of family and friends, but I really do appreciate all of you taking the time to read The Moose Riders and share it with YOUR family and friends. For those of you buying TMR stuff, whether the digital comics, the print comics, the original art pages, or the other merch from the Zazzle store, thank you sooo much. It means a lot to me that you’d be willing to shell out real cash for a comic you can read online for free. You guys are the best. The bad news: Now it’s time for another break in the story. TMR will go on hiatus during March to give me time to prep Chapter 3 for print and digital sales, and also to finish the preliminary work on Chapter 4–write the script, design some new characters, etc. Chapter 4 has me excited and a little nervous. We’re finally going to find out what happened in Talkeetna, which means more characters, more perspective, and kind of a weird running gag that I thought would be very funny and clever four years ago. Not entirely sure how it holds up now. Also, I’ll try not to keep you wondering too long about what happened to Lola and Moose. Anyhow, I’ll be posting doodles/sketches/whatnot over the next 4 weeks, and then we’ll jump into Chapter 4 of The Moose Riders on April 3!

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