Published On:
February 6, 2013
So I finally upgraded to the latest versions of WordPress, Webcomic, and Inkblot last weekend and ended up breaking things a bit. Managed to get a few things sorted out, but for some reason Categories and Tags aren’t working the way they are supposed to. If you have any insight into making these fixes, I’d appreciate the advice. Other than that, it’s mostly cosmetic stuff that I have to take care of, so hopefully you’ll be noticing a few more changes over the next week.
Oh, also–check out those social sharing buttons up there near the top of this post. Click one or all of those things and spread the joy of The Moose Riders with those sad unfortunates who are unaware =)
Edit: Experimenting with various Social Sharing plugins for WP, so those sharing buttons I mentioned earlier aren’t at the top of the post anymore. Currently have some over in the right sidebar, but no promises that they’ll stay there. Still not entirely pleased with the plugins I’ve found so far. Any of you folks have a favorite you’d recommend?